Customer Highlight: Handyman T-Shirts
This customer highlight features custom printed handyman t-shirts we did for Mercury Handyman Services, LLC. Karsten reached out to us to get some custom printed t-shirts for his handyman business that would feature his company’s name and telephone number. Karsten’s most important request was for the fabric to be comfortable and breathable so he could wear it while on job sites. After deciding on what type of t-shirt would suit Karsten the best we were able to start the design process!
Our design process begins with getting all your custom information and preferred colors or ideas. Karsten knew he wanted something that was eye-catching, informative, and fun! Our design team had a blast making the custom artwork that would best show off Mercury Handyman Services. Karsten loved his custom-made design and got it printed on t-shirts and long-sleeves for his business.
If you are un-sure of what you would like on a custom work t-shirt then have no fear because we do also offer some pre-designed templates for you to choose from. All our templates are completely customizable. Simply choose one that you like and let us know what you would like to customize on it.
Custom t-shirts are a great investment for any business. Whether you are just starting to expand or are already an established brand having a customized uniform allows you to have free advertising while on the job, look uniformed with your co-workers, and give an overall more professional look!
Thank you, Karsten with Mercury Handyman Services LLC, for sharing these great photos of your custom t-shirts in action!
To see more custom printed t-shirts for your business check us out at
Tags: customer highlight, handyman shirtsCategorised in: Blog
This post was written by Progressive Printing Team